Join Us!
Tuesday-Wednesday, September 10-11
from 5:00 – 8:00 PM
At Cadence Bank Conference Center

The Collaborative
In late 2016, Relias Healthcare developed the Jim Spruiell Northern Region Emergency Medicine Collaborative as an annual meeting for all Emergency Medicine Providers to begin the groundwork for ongoing group discussions and presentations on issues that are facing our region’s EM Teams. We have had participation from all local hospitals and emergency department teams and have had the opportunity to present on several “hot topic” issues in Emergency Medicine from nationally recognized speakers.
In Memory of Jim Spruiell
In 2018 Relias re-named the collaborative to:
“Jim Spruiell Northern Region Emergency Medicine Collaborative”
in memory of our dear friend and colleague who impacted this region of Emergency Medicine in a way that we would like to honor moving forward.
Jim acquired many professional accreditations and graciously shared his knowledge and passion with others. He was recognized as an icon in the emergency medical services community, but also as a renowned teacher. He traveled all over the nation to educate emergency medicine providers. His passion was to ensure that anyone in emergency medicine was trained to the best of his or her ability to give the care needed. He tragically passed away in a helicopter crash on November 19, 2017. We commemorate Jim each year with this lecture that exemplifies the excellence he demonstrated throughout his career.

Providing Scholarships
The Collaborative helps to fund scholarships for the Jim Spruiell Memorial Scholarship fund.
Friends and colleagues of Jim Spruiell established a scholarship in his memory shortly after his untimely death.